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Ezzy Flight V2 Wing

Ezzy Flight V2 Wing


The new Flight Wing V2 grew out of extensive R&D done in the Canary Islands by José Fernandez (Flight Sails) and on Maui by David Ezzy (Ezzy Sails), leading to the development of a wing that not only performs beautifully, but is also strong and durable.

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Product Features:

• A deeper, more draft forward profile improves stability, upwind pointing and low-end power.

• New W-80, warp orientated cloth used on the trailing edge has 40% less stretch than standard canopy fabrics. This prevents trailing edge flutter and greatly increases the longevity of the wing.

• New, W-50 canopy cloth is a lighter version of the W-80 and is used for the main canopy.

• We invented a system we call the “Strut Loop” to improve the strut-to-canopy connection. The Strut Loop locks the canopy to the strut, which improves stability and overall performance.

• New radial seams reduce stretch and flutter by aligning the load paths at the back of the canopy.

• The trailing edge stabilisers are aligned perpendicular to the trailing edge to better resist flutter.

• New light weight radial canopy patch aligns the load at the end of the strut to prevent stretch.

• Lower leading edge handle improves flagging and makes the wing neutral for wave riding.

• Available soon: a retrofittable full boom. This will allow you to swap out the two handles for a single boom.

The Ezzy Flight v.2 wing is for all levels of wingers. It is our goal to make a high performance, all around wing that will outlive other wings.

SizeWindrange (Kts)Wingspan (CM)PSI Leading Edge/ PSI Strut

Additional information


2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0


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