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Slingshot Hover Glide Space Skate Carbon Foil Wing 65cm

Slingshot Hover Glide Space Skate Carbon Foil Wing 65cm


You’ll like this if:

  • You want a playful wing you can rock from heel to toe like you’re carving a longboard on fresh asphalt. The Space Skate wing included with our FKite package, but is also a great option for behind the boat and surfing small to medium size waves. It has plenty of lift at slower speeds, making it great for entry-level foilers, and it rides with a loose, freeride feel that self-centers as you bounce from turn to turn.


The Time Code was the original wing that formed the foundation of the entire Hover Glide modular platform.

Category: Brand:


Slingshot Hover Glide Space Skate Carbon Foil Wing 65cm


You’ll like this if:

  • You want a playful wing you can rock from heel to toe like you’re carving a longboard on fresh asphalt. The Space Skate wing included with our FKite package, but is also a great option for behind the boat and surfing small to medium size waves. It has plenty of lift at slower speeds, making it great for entry-level foilers, and it rides with a loose, freeride feel that self-centers as you bounce from turn to turn.


Additional information


Hover Glide FWIND1, + Foiling Flight 3 Piece Mast Pack


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