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  • Like the Ezzy Wave, the Cheetah is much lighter than its predecessors. Each sail weighs about 230 grams less. This weight reduction comes largely from a new window material that also makes the Cheetah faster and with a better high-end handling.

    As you know, the Cheetah is designed and refined for high performance but still is easy to rig and sail. It is precisely this balance of performance and comfort that people love.

  • *Legacy Colors. The picture represent examples of colour Ezzy have made, but the colour schemes frequently change due to production availability. We cannot guarantee color availability or consistency as the Legacy is produced from remnant materials.

    To keep the Ezzy Legacy at a reasonable priced sail range, Ezzy colour schemes for this sail range frequently changes due to production availability.  We cannot guarantee colour availability or consistency as the Legacy is produced from remnant materials.


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