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Axis Super Easy Starter (SES) Package

Axis Super Easy Starter (SES) Package


As the name suggests, the SES complete package is super easy to get started on, and it’s even easier on your wallet with its innovative core and fibreglass front and rear wing construction.

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Super Easy Starter (SES) Package

As the name suggests, the SES complete package is super easy to get started on, and it’s even easier on your wallet with its innovative core and fibreglass front and rear wing construction.

The SES package is perfect for cost conscious learners and riders who want one simple setup that works. The SES package is no slouch either. Drawing on the proven performance and easy turning of the BSC range, the SES has a slight reduced aspect ratio for even easier and smoother lift. The SES wings gave rounder tips for safety and ease of use.

Each package comes with its own front wing size

  • Red Series 1040 front wing: for riders over 75kgs
  • Red Series 940 front wing: for lighter riders

Each package comes with a SES Red Series fuselage, and a SES specific rear wing (450/80), the 75cm aluminium 19mm mast, mast base, plus a set of stainless steel bolts and spanner pack.

The reason AXIS have so many options is that you can really tune your performance with the correct front wing fuselage and tail wing. Send a email or call and ask Simon our Axis guru to find out more.

WingspanChordActual AreaProjected AreaVolumeAspect Ratio
1040mm220 mm1957 cm21864 cm23020 cm35.80
940mm 210 mm1668 cm21607 cm22380 cm35.73
450 mm 80 mm306 cm2301 cm2150.1 cm36.71

Additional information

Select Package

1040mm, 940mm


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