Coaching legend and WW local Peter Hart, by very popular demand, is running another series of courses here in the early autumn.
You’ve seen the DVDs. Now experience the real thing. No one does it better you WILL improve beyond your wildest expectations!
Witterings Clinics
1st Sept: LADIES DAY (aka Birds on Boards)
Standard: Planing in the harness
A chance to relax and excel in like-minded company
6th-7th Sept: SLICKER CORNERS (general skills)
Standard: Planing in the straps and harness
Nailing the tacks and gybes on and off the plane
15th-16th Sept (one day course – windier day chosen): JUMP AND LOOP
Standard: Sailing a sub 100ltr board in breaking waves
Control your air with the aim of nailing a big one!
To book or for more information on any of the above courses, please call Chris or Roscoe on 01243 513077
The West Wittering Lagoon: the perfect carve gybing arena.
Only the finest company on a Peter Hart course
If by then, you are dreaming of warmer climes, check out Peter’s foreign schedule.
The Overseas Clinics
12th-20th Oct: General Skills
Location: Dahab, Egypt
Standard: Planing in the straps
16th-30th Nov: General skills and waves
Location: Mauritius
Standard: Sailing sub-120ltr board on the sea
8th-18th Jan: General skills and waves
Location: Jeri, Brazil
Standard: Sailing sub-120ltr board on the sea
To book the abroad courses, please call Sportif on 01273 844919